Brahmastra box



First of all, I appreciate Director Ayan Mukarji for introducing the Ancient Astras to audiences through Brahamastra movie. 

A Grand Visual FeastЁЯСНЁЯСНЁЯСН

A Supernatural SuperHero Fantasy Entertainer that can be enjoyed with Family & FriendsЁЯСНЁЯСНЁЯСНKids/Children will Love BrahmastramЁЯСНЁЯСНЁЯСНЁЯСН

Brahmastram sets a Benchmark pertaining to Visual Effects.Visual Effects have been handled wellЁЯСНЁЯСНЁЯСН

Light force vs Dark force is Brahmastram. A Secret society called Brahmansh sustains, maintains and protects the Brahmastram astra and other astras, generations after generations. Another secret society  aims to attain the  Brahmastram from Brahmansh group. Shiva(Ranbir Kapoor) has super natural powers....Through Gnana drishti/Telepathy powers he witnesses the murders of Brahmansh members and tries to save them...How Shiva is connected to Brahamansh ? Who are Shiva's father and mother? Did shiva save Brahmastram from the dark force hands? That's Brahmastram.  

Brahmastram addresses about Telepathy/gnana drishti/Pre cognitive visions. Brahmastram takes us to the world of Astras. 

Dharma Productions have produced the movie well without compromising on Visual effects. 

Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna and Mouni Roy have performed well. 

The Love & Romance between Ranbir and Alia was Qute. 

Sharukh Khan comes in the beginning. It was a surprise.

Cinematography and Background music are impressive. Songs are good. 


*Movie appears Lengthy especially in the second half. 

*Looks like Director has softened the movie considering kids which I consider as both plus and minus for Brahmastra. 

* More details and info on Astras would have made  Brahmastram much more better.

* Movie goes on a monotonous mode where dark force group is behind Brahmansh members. Director could have given the Screenplay in a much more interesting way. 

*Sharukh Khan was a Big Trump card. He wasn't utilised properly. 

Overall, Brahmastra gave a New experience taking a tour of what the world of Astras would look like. 

Maximum Ratings: 3.5 * stars

Minimum Ratings: 3.25 * stars

Score card: 60 to 50/100

Value:  Very Good to Good

New Ratings of Cinemaprabhanjam 

Rating stars (*****)

Score card


5* stars



4.5* stars



4* stars



3.75* stars



3.5* stars


Very Good

3.25* stars



3* stars



2.75* stars



2.5* stars



Dance ka bhoot

Dance ka bhoot could be a Intro song for Ranbir in Brahmastra. Cool. 

Thee Thiraiyanen 

A Soulful song in Sid Sriram voice. 

Madhan Karky has written the lyrics well. 


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The Visual effects are stunning...Looks like a Superhero movie with Supernatural elements.. Excited to watch Brahmastra. 
Will Brahmastra get released in IMAX and 3D Format? Eagerly waiting to watch Brahmastra.

Introducing Isha

Alia Bhatt as Isha. The visual effects are stunning. 
 Looks like Brahmastra is going to be a Visual Feast. 

Is it a mythology? Is it a superhero film? Is it a science fiction? Is it about divine energies? Motion Poster of Brahmastra makes me Curious. 
